Industry News
Refrigerator Certification: Chile SEC Certified Fridge & Freezer for Chilean Market
What is Chile SEC Certification? SEC (Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles) SEC is the regulatory authority in Chile responsible for overseeing and regulating matters related to electricity, fuels, and other energy-related sectors. The SEC is part of the Chi...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Argentina IRAM Certified Fridge & Freezer for Argentine Market
What is Argentina IRAM Certification? IRAM (Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certificación) IRAM certification in Argentina is a system for ensuring that products meet the standards and regulations established by the Instituto Argentino de Normalización y Certifi...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: New Zealand AS/NZS Certified Fridge & Freezer for Pacific Market
What is New Zealand AS/NZS Certification? AS/NZS (Australian/New Zealand Standard certification) The AS/NZS certification, also known as Australian/New Zealand Standard certification, pertains to product compliance with standards developed jointly by Australia and New ...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Singapore CPSR Certified Fridge & Freezer for Singaporean Market
What is Singapore CPSR Certification? CPSR (The Consumer Protection Safety Requirements) The Consumer Protection (Safety Requirements) Regulations (CPSR) requires 33 categories of household electrical, electronic and gas appliances & accessories also known as Contr...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: South Africa SABS Certified Fridge & Freezer for African Market
What is South Africa SABS Certification? SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) SABS stands for the South African Bureau of Standards. SABS is the national standards organization in South Africa, responsible for the development and maintenance of standards to ensure ...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: UAE ESMA Certified Fridge & Freezer for Emiratis Market
What is UAE ESMA Certification? ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology) ESMA is the national standards and metrology organization in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). ESMA is responsible for developing and implementing standards, ensuring product qual...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Saudi SASO Certified Fridge & Freezer for Arabian Market
What is Saudi SASO Certification? SASO (Saudi Arabian Standards Organization) SASO stands for the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (SASO), which is a government agency responsible for developing and maintaining standards and quality control in Saudi Arabia. SASO ce...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Switzerland SEV Certified Fridge & Freezer for Swiss Market
What is Switzerland SEV Certification? SEV (Schweizerischer Elektrotechnischer Verein) SEV certification, also known as SEV mark, is a Swiss product certification system related to electrical and electronic equipment. The SEV mark indicates that a product complies with...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Denmark DEMKO Certified Fridge & Freezer for Dane Market
What is Denmark DEMKO Certification? DEMKO (Dansk Elektro Mekanisk Kontrol) DEMKO is a Danish certification organization that focuses on product safety and conformity assessment. The name "DEMKO" is derived from the Danish phrase "Dansk Elektro Mekanisk Kontrol," which...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Norway NEMKO Certified Fridge & Freezer for Norwegian Market
What is Norway NEMKO Certification? NEMKO (Norges Elektriske Materiellkontroll or "Norwegian Electrotechnical Testing Institute") Nemko is a Norwegian testing and certification organization that provides services related to safety, quality, and product conformity. Nemk...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Sweden SIS Certified Fridge & Freezer for Swede Market
What is Sweden SIS Certification? SIS (Swedish Standards Institute) SIS certification is not a specific type of certification like some of the other certification systems I've mentioned. Instead, SIS is a leading standards organization in Sweden, responsible for develo...Read more -
Refrigerator Certification: Spain AENOR Certified Fridge & Freezer for Spaniard Market
What is Spain AENOR Certification? AENOR (Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación) AENOR certification is a system of product and quality certification used in Spain. AENOR is a Spanish association for standardization and certification, and it is a leading...Read more