Industry News
From the Discovery of Antarctic Ozone Hole to Montreal Protocol
From the Discovery of Ozone Hole to Montreal Protocol The discovery of Antarctic Ozone Hole Ozone layer protects humans and the environment from harmful levels of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Chemicals referred to as ozone depleting substances (ODS) re...Read more -
What are hydrocarbons, four types, and HCs as coolant
What are hydrocarbons, four types, and HCs as coolants What are hydrocarbons (HCs) Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that are entirely made up of only two kinds of atoms – carbon and hydrogen. Hydrocarbons are naturally-occurring a...Read more -
Advantages and Performance of HC Refrigerant: Hydrocarbons
Advantages and Performance of HC Refrigerant: Hydrocarbons What are hydrocarbons (HCs) Hydrocarbons (HCs) are substances composed of hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms. Examples are methane (CH4), propane (C3H8), propene (C3H6, a...Read more -
GWP, ODP and Atmospheric Lifetime of refrigerants
GWP, ODP and Atmospheric Lifetime of Refrigerants Refrigerants HVAC, Refrigerators and air conditioners are commonly used in numerous cities, households and automobiles. Refrigerators and air conditioners account for a large proport...Read more -
Shall I Store My Medicines in Refrigerator? How to Preserve Medication in Fridge?
Shall I Store My Medicines in Refrigerator? What medicines should be preserved in a pharmacy refrigerator? Almost all medicines should be kept in a cool, dry place, staying away from exposure to sunlight and moisture. Proper storage conditions are crucial for medicati...Read more -
Fridge Use Mechanical Thermostat and Electronic Thermostat, Difference, Pros and Cons
Fridge Use Mechanical Thermostat And Electronic Thermostat, Difference, Pros And Cons Every refrigerator has a thermostat. A thermostat is so important for ensuring that the refrigeration system built in a fridge works optimally. This gadget is set to turn on or o...Read more -
Pavlova, one of the top 10 Popular Desserts in the World
Pavlova, a dessert based on meringue, is originated from either Australia or New Zealand in the early 20th century, but it was named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Its external appearance looks like a cake, but contains a circular block of baked meringue that’...Read more -
Top 10 Popular Desserts From Around The World No.8: Turkish Delight
What is Turkish Lokum or Turkish Delight? Turkish Lokum, or Turkish delight, is a Turkish dessert that is based on a mixture of starch and sugar that is colored with food coloring. This dessert also is very popular in the Balkans countries such as Bulgaria, Serbia, Bos...Read more -
Top 10 Popular desserts from around the world no.9: Arabic Baklava
Baklava is very special occasion dessert that middle east people eat during the holidays, after breaking our fast for Ramadan or during big events with family. Baklava is a sweet dessert pastry made of layers of phyl...Read more -
Top 10 Popular desserts from around the world no.10 : France Crème Brûlée
Top 10 Popular desserts from around the world: France Crème Brûlée Crème brûlée, the creamy, soft and delicious French dessert has been pleasing palates for more than 300 years. It apparently originated at the table of the Philippe d’Orleans, brother of Louis XIV. His ch...Read more -
Useful Guides To Choose a Proper Commercial Freezer for Retail Business
Boosting product sales is the primary thing to be considered for grocery stores, convenience stores, and other retail businesses. In addition to effective marketing strategies, some tools and equipment are also crucial to help display their products to customers. Commerc...Read more -
Use The Right Commercial Ice Cream Freezers To Keep Your Ice Cream In Shape
Ice cream display freezer is an ideal promotional tool for convenience store or grocery store to sell their ice cream in a self-service way, as display freezer features showcase property to allow customers to conveniently browse the frozen items inside, and intuitively g...Read more